LT-Mita’s experience with CuraLin

We hear from many new CuraLin family members every day & wanted to share one of their stories with you.

mita experience

„Hi, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in July 2016. To be honest it wasn’t a massive shock as my Dad’s family has numerous cases of Diabetes.

I was overweight and really not taking care of myself. I ate and drank and did no exercise! In a funny way having Diabetes has turned my life around for the better! I have now lost weight and I’m eating healthy food. When I was diagnosed my reading was 16. I have tried so many natural remedies as I am not taking meds.

After 5 months of research and trying out combinations, I have found an incredible natural tablet that keeps my levels at 5-5.5 everyday. Even after having a good drink on NYE (FIRST ONE IN 6 MONTHS!) my blood sugar reading was 5.3 the next morning.

I’m not getting any kind of reward for this review it’s honestly working for me. I do exercise everyday for 30 minutes and I am very aware of what I am eating. There have been a couple of naughty days but still my levels are low, below 6.

The tablets are called Curalin and the website is:

If you have any questions you can email Tom Binder at

Give it a go…. I’m now feeling a lot better and hopefully these tablets will keep on working. I am not relying just on tablets I’m also eating healthy foods and exercising!

Good luck everyone! Xxx


So, how was your first experience with CuraLin? Share it with us!

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