CuraLife is proud to have helped thousands of people worldwide
Hear some of their stories

“После того, как я начал прием CuraLin мой уровень сахара в крови снизился на 45%, я очень доволен этим великим событием. ПОРАЗИТЕЛЬНО!!!”
— Аллен Уильямс

“Я использую CuraLin в течение 3 месяцев. Я снизила дозу противодиабетических препаратов и не борюсь с уровнем сахара натощак. Очень хороший продукт! Спасибо.”
— Доктор Тахера Баки

“Абсолютно потрясающе, через 3 месяца средний уровень глюкозы в крови снизился с 10,4 до 5,6, теперь я сплю всю ночь без подъема в туалет, сухости во рту и испытываю невероятный прилив энергии”
— Стив Ниббс
“In conjunction with watching my dietary carbohydrate intake using CuraLin has allowed me to take control of my blood-sugar levels more effectively than was the case on conventional orthodox medication. I have been using Karela extract exclusively in the form of CuraLin for almost a year and it is only very rarely that my fasting levels are outwith the recommended 4-8 mmol/l and that by less than 0.5 even when I binge on carbs. It has been a revelation.”
— David Crawford
“After using the trial package bought a new supply and am happy to report very good results. About ten weeks ago i was getting readings of 20 plus and about to be put on insulin with diet changes and small bit of exercise reduced levels to 9s and 10s. Now after just over 3 weeks of use am now in the 6s and 7s and feel a lot better. I have now stopped taking Metformin and am tweaking capsules of CuraLin. Will be ordering some more as happy with results to-date. I have lost over 20lbs in weight over past ten weeks so in conjunction with diet bit of exercise and CuraLin happy to report i seem to be reducing diabetic condition after ten years.”
— Norman Apperley
“CuraLin is fantastic! I was amazed after my trial capsules. First day my sugar levels came down from 8+ to under 6. I was taking 4 to 6 caps per day. Now after a few months I find I only need to take 2 a day and my weekly average is around 6. I’ve recommended CuraLin to fellow type 2 diabetics.”
— David Wiedemann
«I just want to say a big thank you to the CuraLife team. I know you must get loads of these emails. I have been waiting for a big operation on my shoulder but my HBA1C was very high, so I was told I could be a dead person on the table. This scared me and I needed to get my HBA1C down but was not getting the help & support from my diabetic doctor or his team at all. So I went on the internet and came across CuraLin. I looked up the information bearing in mind I was very scared about taking tablets I found online because of all the bad reports, but I ordered my trial pack & started CuraLin with my HBA1C at 149. When I finished my trial I had my HBA1C blood test and it came back at 137. I was quite surprised so I bought my month supply but while I was waiting I had another HBA1C blood test and it was still coming down, from 137 to 117 then 115, and just before I started taking my new supply of CuraLin my last HBA1C reading was 107. Now I have been taking CuraLin for a month and I had an HBA1C blood test on Friday the 24/11/2017 and my results are amazing they are now 89! I have not been below the hundreds since 2011! I am hoping now to be able to have my operation that is long overdue. Thank you CuraLife, you have more or less saved my life xxx»
— Melody Townsend
«My levels have dropped to normal in the past 4 weeks… I am over the moon…
I had an HbA1c check on Monday and the results were fantastic. In only four weeks my levels have dropped from 60 to 50. I altered nothing in my diet or exercise. This result is purely down to CuraLin. My doctor is astounded and is happy to recommend CuraLin to other patients.
Thanks to CuraLife for this brilliant natural supplement!!!! Wow»
— Janet Husdell
«Until two months ago my blood sugar levels were extremely difficult to ‘manage’. The only options available from my Health Centre appeared to be increasing dosages of Metformin and Gliclazide … I was, in fact, on the maximum recommended doses and had been informed that the next stage was ‘Insulin’ by injection…Suffice to say that since beginning with the ‘starter sample’ I have not looked back, my blood sugars are more easily managed, my appetite and digestion are better and I am no longer under the threat of ‘next step insulin’. Having positive results from the use of ‘CuraLin’ also helps with what I term ‘diabetes depression’…Using ‘CuraLin’ has allowed me to form a more positive frame of mind in relation to my diabetes control … as I can ‘see’ positive reductions in blood sugar levels and better management and therefore I become more positive mentally and thus a happier (I hope) human being!
…to say that the use of this product has changed my life would be an understatement.
My first blood sugar tests every morning are now showing regular returns of between 4 and 6 and I have been able to reduce my Metformin and Gliclazide medications to 50% of previous intake.
Thanks again for an excellent product and excellent customer support.»
— Malcolm Crawford
Dr. Kaplan
Dr. Rodrigez
Dr. Eliyahu